Vision & Mission
Mission Statement
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) will be the geographic, intellectual, and emotional centre of the campus. It will be the hub of inspiration, creativity, and collaboration – indispensable to learning, teaching, research, life-long learning, re-learning, and Un-learning.

Vision Statement
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) strengthens and enhances the teaching, research, training, consultancy, and other services of the IIM Tiruchirappalli. The LRC will promote intellectual growth and creativity by developing collections, facilitating access to information resources, and teaching the effective use of information resources.
Strategic Goals (2022-2030):
- The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) will develop, organize, provide access to and preserve materials to meet the needs of present and future generations of faculty, scholars, students, and young learners – Increase emphasis on user-driven acquisitions and continue to develop the collection in an array of formats to support the curriculum and placement.
- The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) will provide a broad collection of materials in various formats, along with programs and services to accommodate all the diverse needs of our academic community – Proactively support new and emerging academic and training programs at the IIM Tiruchirappalli using analytic tools associated with the library services platform (LSP) and new technology to improve library services and operations.
- The Learning Resource Centre will provide courteous, professional, and excellent service to every single user every time they use the Learning Resource Centre – Recruit and retain the necessary number of skillful library staff to support the learning, teaching, and scholarship services offered by the LRC in support of all programs offered by the institute.
- Develop archival and digital collections to meet the teaching and research needs of students, faculty, and the greater scholarly community and improve the visibility of the faculty research output – Develop an Institutional repository using Free Open Source Software (FOSS).
- The Learning Resource Centre will facilitate online services through Mobile Apps to access by everyone, both on-site and remotely to maximize the usage of the e-resources subscribed.
- Investigate the possibility of providing databases access to our alumni – Explore exclusive license agreements with service providers to provide off-campus access to select the company and industry databases for alumni.
- LRC will collaborate with local and national organizations and it can become a catalyst to bring transformation in this region by providing access and dissemination of its resources to students, researchers and faculty who have no access to essential resources for their research, teaching, and training activities – It will be a HUB of libraries to engage with library users and our communities to provide high-quality information and opportunities that expand education, and enhance research development in this region.