
Course Support
LRC closely works with faculty and Programme office to deliver the required cases,
articles, book chapters, simulations, online courses, multimedia, etc. by obtaining
copyright permissions from respective copyright holders following the set standards to maintain copyright compliance for course pack compilation.
Knowledge Management
LRC collects the research articles of IIM Trichy faculty & researchers to maintain an
archive of intellectual capital created at the School. Institutional Repository Service is an open access repository of IIMT research publications to create visibility of research work carried out by faculty and researchers.

Research Assistance
LRC helps faculty, research scholars, and staff with data retrieval and analysis for their
research/curriculum needs. LRC staff will assist in collecting and collating data from
diverse sources ranging from historical data to current updates, market data to literature surveys or customized information services based on their need.
Copyright Information
Indian Copyright Act provides exceptions to libraries for the use of copyrighted works
under the statutory fair dealing exceptions of the Copyright Act (section 52) as well as
under the judicially created fair use exceptions. Broadly the law permits the use of
copyrighted works by libraries for the following purposes.
- Research Instruction and Teaching
- Instruction and Teaching
- Enabling access to the disabled
- Activities of an educational institution
- Review and Criticism
- Access to knowledge
- Searching and data mining sing; storage and preservation
Copyright infringement and plagiarism are two different, but related actions. The main
difference between plagiarism and copyright infringement is that plagiarism is an ethical issue, whereas copyright infringement is a legal issue.
Eliminate Plagiarism and Grammar Errors using TURNITIN and Grammarly subscribed
by the LRC.