Electronic Information Services
LRC’s computing facilities and database access is meant only for Faculty, PGPs, DPMs, and Research staff.
The LRC System provides electronic information services. The LRC has subscribed to various online resources. The use of each online service is governed by copyright law and by the terms of the license agreement between IIM Trichy and the publishers of these online resources.

Members/Visitors of the LRC are not allowed to
Downloading entire collections of data or entire issues of a journal or book is a violation of copyright law and a violation of IIM Trichy’s licenses with publishers.
Distribution of the information contents of the online service, or material downloaded from the online service, in any form.
Facilitating use or access by non-authorized users, including sharing your password or other login information with outsiders.
Accessing undesirable Internet sites and downloading, storing, printing, and circulating of undesirable materials.
Duplicating any application or audio-visual programme. This infringes copyright regulations and offenders will be liable for legal action, individually criminal prosecution.
If you are on-campus and using a wireless network, you may use Wi-Fi/LAN. Please authenticate your device with IT helpdesk.
Off-campus Access
LRC provides a Remote Access facility to current students and faculty. LRC subscribes electronic databases of academic interest to support the academic activities of the Institute students, faculty, and staff. These resources of electronic databases are purchased by the Institute either directly or through consortia. These are also governed by license and contract agreements. Each electronic resource database, whether purchased individually or through consortia, contains strict guidelines on the use of resources by authorized users.
Steps to use Remote Access facility
Weblink to access Off-campus facility@ https://app.myloft.xyz/user/login?institute=clzjet1sd05dm7zbpd951s8e6
Please note that the following resources are not accessible through RemoteXs
- Thomson-Eikon
- Statistical tools
- Simulation software