Circulation Services
LRC provides general access to collection and a full range of loan services. Information about all library transactions such as loan, reservation, and fine due is listed here.
The online catalogue (OPAC) helps you check the availability and renewal of resources.
- Access to current issues and back volumes of journals.
- Issue-Return of books.
- Borrower Responsibilities -Borrowers are responsible for library materials charged out to them until they are received by the library.
- Notices to Borrowers – You will receive item available, recall (new due date), overdue notices, and fine/fee billing notices via e-mail from library@iimtrichy.ac.in. These notices are sent as a courtesy. We encourage all library users to check their library accounts regularly to manage recalls and due dates.

The rules are framed to facilitate and promote the use of collection and services not to restrict the access.
The faculty members, staff & students of the Institute are required to enroll as members of the LRC (upon joining the Institute) by filling in the membership form available at the LRC circulation desk (along with a passport size photograph). This entitles the use of resources & services offered for the purpose of academic and research work.
Reference Membership
Students, Research Scholars of other institutions and Universities would be permitted for a limited period but not more than 15 days at nominal elaborate on this membership fee to access the select resources for academic and research purposes.
Reference resources will not be issued.
Smart card is needed to check in/ out LRC material, without a smart card you would not be able to check-in/out books/journals.
The member is fully responsible for the books borrowed on his/her ID card until they have been returned in good condition.

The LRC may recall a book on loan at any time, and the book must then be returned to the Library on or before the closing time on the date given in the recall notice/message.
Member must report any mutilation found in books before borrowing, otherwise the last borrower is liable to pay for damages when the books are returned and/or the Library Authority finds the mutilation.
Members who fail to respond to reminders for overdue documents and/or fail to return the documents within 60 days from the date of borrowing, will be billed the replacement cost including the administrative charge.
To encourage timely return of LRC materials and to provide optimal sharing of the collections, fines are charged for overdue items. Borrowers are responsible for returning items by the due date. If items are not returned within the due date, fines will be charged, as per the rates provided in clause 6 below.
Disciplinary Fine:
LRC has effectively put into practice the fine for those students who violate the LRC code of conduct form maintains discipline in the LRC. If a student continues the violation, the case could be referred to Director/Deans for necessary action.
Unauthorized removal of materials, be it a single page or several items, will be treated as a serious offense, and criminal charges may be filed when the values of the material or other circumstances warrant.
Book Lost & Replacement Charges
In case of loss of LRC book or any other material, the patron will be charged 5 times the current price of the item or replace / replacement copy with 20% processing charges.
If ID card is lost, or stolen, the member will be held responsible until the loss has been reported in writing to the Librarian & CKO. For the replacement of ID card, the member is obliged to pay Rs. 500/-.
Circulation Policies:
S.No | Membership Category | Entitlement | Duration | Fine (including holidays & Weekends) |
1. | Faculty | 6 Books | 8 weeks | – |
2. | Students (PGP/PGPBM) | 3 Books | 2 weeks | 2/- per day |
3. | FPM students | 4 Books | 3 weeks | 2/- per day |
4. | Staff | 4 Books | 3 weeks | 2/- per day |
5. | Others | 2 Books | 3 weeks | 2/- per day |