Insiders Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on insider trading, updated on a daily basis.

Pledgors Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on pledging of shares by promoters, updated daily with creation/release/invocation (of pledge shares) transactions.

Takeover Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on filings made under SEBI Takeover Regulations, updated daily.

Shareholders Database -Providing comprehensive data and analytics on ownership of companies (all promoters and all public shareholders holding more than 1% of total share capital). This database is updated daily.

Indian Boards Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on boards of listed companies and a few prominent unlisted financial sector companies (AMCs, insurance companies, etc.). This database is updated daily, with appointments and cessations of directors.

AGM/EGM & Postal Ballot Resolutions Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on resolutions passed or proposed to be passed in AGM/EGMs, through postal ballots and in Court/NCLT Convened Meetings along with the voting result of each such resolution. This database is updated daily.

Board Meeting Resolutions Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on resolutions/purposes passed or proposed to be passed in Board Meetings. This database is updated daily.

Investor Meets Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on past and forthcoming Investor/Analyst Meets, updated daily

Auditors Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on Auditors of companies along with appointments/cessations updated daily.

Annual Reports Database – A one-stop shop for Annual Reports of companies. This database is updated daily.

Corporate Social Responsibility Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on the Corporate Social Responsibility spending of companies, updated daily.

Corporate Actions Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on corporate actions. This database is updated daily.

Key Managerial Personnel Database – Key Managerial Personnel (CEO, CFO, COO, Company Secretary, Compliance Officer, etc.) of companies along with appointments and cessations, updated daily.

Company Contact Details Database – A database providing contact details of companies. This database is updated quarterly.

Financial Results Database – A database providing quarterly and annual financial results, updated daily.

All-in-1 Shareholders Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on ownership of companies. All filings made under Insider & Takeover Regulations (including filings relating to invocation of shares), Bulk and Block Deals, quarterly Shareholding Patterns as also monthly portfolio disclosures made by Mutual Funds are captured to provide updated shareholding (as also change in shareholding between 2 dates). This database is updated daily.

Corporate Events Calendar Database – Providing comprehensive data and analytics on corporate events covering past and forthcoming AGMs/EGMs, Board Meetings, Bondholders Meetings, Corporate Actions, Court/NCLT Convened Meetings, Investor/Analyst Meets, and Postal Ballots. All reports/features/functionalities available in the AGM/EGM & Postal Ballot Resolutions Database, Board Meeting Resolutions Database, Investor Meets Database, and Corporate Actions Database, as given above in this catalog, have been consolidated in this database. This database is updated daily.